Agentes da diplomacia Portuguesa in India, with a preface and notes by Panduronga S. S. Pissurlencar. Bastora, Tipografia Rangel, 1952.
(This work gives documents throwing light on the action of Hindus, Muslims, Jews, and Parsees in Indo-Portuguese administration. It is also the valuable source material for the study of Portuguese relations with the Kings, as the Emperors of Vijayanagara, the Adil Sha has of Bijapur, the Mughals, the Marathas and others in 16th, 17th and 18th centuries.)
Lisboa, Academia das Sciencias, 1884-1935.
(These volumes contain letters from Albuquerque, to the King of Portuguese documents and letters sent to Albuquerque and Albuquerque’s orders to subordinates. The work is a very important source for the study of the history of Portuguese India from 1503-1513.)
Descripcao Geral e Historica das Moedas Cunhadas em nome dos Reis, regents e Governadores de Portugal by A.C. Teixeira de Aragao. Lisboa, Imprensal Nacional, 1874 -1880.
(The work is divided into 3 volumes and provides information on coinage in Portugal, Portuguese India and Mozambique.)
Regimentos das fortalezas da India with a study and notes by Panduronga S.S. Pissurlencar. Bastora, Tipografia Rangel, 1951.
(The work gives the budget of the city of Goa and rules and regulations for the forts of Ormuz, Sofala, Cochin, Cranganor, Ceilao, Cananor, Malaca, Diu, Bacaim, Manar, Mangalore. All these documents are mostly pertaining to the second half of sixteenth century.