Membership & Borrowing Facility
Membership Fees
Borrowing Facility
Book holding Duration (days)
Rs. 50/-
Rs. 200/-
Rs. 450/-
Rs. 750/-
Children (Below 10years)
1 Book & 1 Magazine/CD
2 Book & 2 Magazine/CD
3 Book & 3 Magazine/CD
Anyone who violates the rules and regulations of the library would be liable to lose the privilege of library membership.
I ___________________________, apply for enrolment as a member of the Krishnadas Shama Goa State Central Library for borrowing books. I promise to abide by the Rules and Regulation including by-laws in the force for the time being and furnish below the required particulars about myself.
Undertaking _____ I, ___________________under take the following:- 1. I shall be responsible for the books borrowed from the Library. 2. In case of loss of the books/reading material issued to me, I will replace the new book/deposit the cost assessed by the Krishnadas Shama Goa State Central Library. 3. I shall return all the books borrowed within due date failing which the fine accrued may be charged from me at the rate of Re.1/- per day.
Note: - For any queries while submitting Membership Form may please be reported to:
Email Id:
Ph No.:0832-2404512